Friday, October 25, 2013

I'm trying to remember the last time I walked in my door before midnight lol... been more than a week I think. Not complaining just amused at how these shows launch normal lives into chaos and how we keep coming back for more, again and again... Today is my daughter's birthday, she called me from her girlfriend's house where she slept over last night to tell me that she wanted to see me today and to not even think about going off to rehearsal without having some face time with her (any of you who know me and how close my kids and I are, knows that would never happen) but it is kind of cool to know that she misses me and sometimes life does not have to go on "Without You".

Last night's rehearsal was a melding of past, present and future again. We have now entered "performance mode". Everyone has their game face on and it is clear we all mean business and are giving it all we've got. This show is special. This cast is special. I am in sheer awe of all of your talents, your dedication and the love we share, love of the process, the performance, our need to share what we've slaved and agonized and deliberated over these past couple of months. It all seems kind of masochistic in a way. Some of us have drawn lines in the sand, to the extent we are willing to sacrifice certain facets of our lives, perhaps jeopardizing important relationships to be able to perform as artists. I can visualize a parallel to Maureen's protest against Cyberland. We're all taking a giant "Leap of Faith" to jump over the moon. I mostly appreciate your love for one another, your community. The tolerance I see, even when we are all exhausted and spent. The extra mile that you all have gone to show compassion, to handle each other's feelings so carefully, to not alienate anyone, to include all, regardless of the imperfections and flaws. It is hard to spawn negativity in an atmosphere of unconditional acceptance.

Whatever you take away from this experience, most importantly "Remember the Love".

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